Apache Jackrabbit 2.18.1 是一个增量版本,基于并兼容早期稳定的 Jackrabbit 2.x 版本。 Jackrabbit 2.18.x 版本被认为是稳定的,适合生产使用。该版本最低要求 Java 8 。
- [JCR-4408] - jackrabbit-webapp: test dependency for httpcore breaks war file
- [JCR-4420] - Release Notes: term "SHA1" no longer allowed
- [JCR-4394] - switch bundle comparisonVersion for 2.18
- [JCR-4400] - Update tika dependency to 1.20
- [JCR-4403] - update spotbugs dependency to 3.1.10
- [JCR-4404] - update maven-assembly-plugin dependency to 3.1.1
- [JCR-4405] - update maven-jar-plugin dependency to 3.1.1
- [JCR-4406] - update maven-bundle-plugin dependency to 4.1.0
- [JCR-4407] - Update httpcore dependency to 4.4.11
- [JCR-4409] - jackrabbit-webapp: embed JCR 2.0 API
- [JCR-4410] - jackrabbit-webapp: cleanup left over Oak references
- [JCR-4411] - Update httpclient/mime dependencies to 4.5.7
- [JCR-4415] - Update Jetty dependency to 9.2.26.v20180806
- [JCR-4416] - Update slf4j dependency to 1.7.26
- [JCR-4422] - Update httpclient/mime dependencies to 4.5.8
Jackrabbit 是一个内容储存库,是基于 Java Technology API (JSR170、JSR283) 的完全实现,支持存储结构化和非结构化内容。具有全文索引、版本管理、事件监听、访问控制等特性。